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To play the virtual van Peteghem you need:
1st: To play the full Hauptwerk 2 or 3 version of this sampleset without restrictions you need a high-speed modern computer with e.g. Windows XP64 installed. You need 64 bit while a standard XP versie can address up to 3 or (using a so called 3GB switch) 3.7 GB.
The best results are possible with computers of Apple-MacIntosh. We do not have experience with the Mac.
The next table shows the global memory requirements in a few different situations.
Table showing memory requirements for Hauptwerk 5
Load manner (the sampleset uses about 6.3 GB on your hard drive) Memory Requirements
Operating System included
Full organ loaded 24 bit 48 kHz, uncompressed, multiloops, multirelease, noises 16 bit compressed. 7310 MB
Full organ loaded 24 bit 48 kHz, all stops compressed, multiloops, multirelease, noises 16 bit compressed. 5850 MB
Full organ loaded 16 bit 48 kHz, all stops compressed, multiloops, multirelease, noises 16 bit compressed. 3200 MB
Full organ loaded 14 bit 48 kHz, all stops compressed, single loop, single release, noises 14 bit compressed. 2400 MB
2nd: A good internal or external sound card. Martin Dyde advices different cards. Ask your reseller if there are drivers available for your operating system.
This card makes the MIDI connection from console to computer.
3rd: A keyboard or electronic organ with MIDI output.
Also available are very beautiful consoles for "beautiful" prices. Are you a "handyman" then you can use the hardware of e.g. WIRA to expand your obsolete console with MIDI output.
4th: A very good way to listen to your favorite organ in Hauptwerk is by using headphones e.g. AKG or Sennheiser. We prefer the use of a stereo equipment connected to your computer. Do not listen to Hauptwerk with a set of 10 GBP computer-speakers.!
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01