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The Hauptwerk 5 sampleset is delivered with 2 Organ Definition Files:
1st: The original Organ with fixed pedals for Hauptwerk version 2 screen-resolution.
2nd: The extended version with free pedals for Hauptwerk version 2 screen-resolution.
Both the ODF's have 7 pages:
1st: Claviers, a representation of the original console
2nd: Jambage gauche, a representation of stop-panel left side
3rd: Jambage droit, a representation of stop-panel right side
4th: Registres, a representation of all the stops
5th: Combinaisons, the fixed combinations page
6th: Vent, the windmodel
7th: Photos (Pictures) one of the organfront and console and one of the exterior of the church.

Click to enlarge
1: Extended console
Click to enlarge
1: Original console
Click to enlarge
2: Registrationpanel extended version
Click to enlarge
2: Registrationpanel original version
Click to enlarge
3: Registrationpanel left extended version
Click to enlarge
3: Registrationpanel left original version
Click to enlarge
4: Registrationpanel right extended version
Click to enlarge
4: Registrationpanel right original version
Click to enlarge
5: Fixed combinations extended version
Click to enlarge
5: Fixed combinations original version
Click to enlarge
6: Windpage extended version
Click to enlarge
6: Windpage original version
Click to enlarge
7: Front and console
Click to enlarge
7: The church
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01