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The different tabs:
1. Pictures:
This tab shows the front of the organ and if you click on the photo you will see the church.
2. Stops:
Stop panel for users of a single touchscreen.
Onthis tab you see a simple image of the stops, suitable for users of a single touchscreen.
The stops and playing aids not originating from the real organ are underlined.
With the button "MOTOR" you may activate the windmachine.
As to the "TREMULANT MANUAAL I" button for the main manual (Hoofdwerk): The real organ has no Tremulant on that manual), we have just addedit for those addicted to this stop.
The "Nachtegaal" (Nightingale) button represents the voice on the small Choir organ of the church, made by Herman Pelgrim.
We tried to record this attractive choir organ for Hauptwerk, but the noise of the engine did not allow this.

On the right top of the screen, the volumes of the various channels can be adapted with sliders, so that you can choose your preferred "listening position".
The 4th slider is the Swell (footboard) of the fourth manual or "Récit Expressif".

A number of voices show a red/yellow led at the right side of the button. By clicking on this led you may change the Tremulantfor this stop in "recorded = yellow", or "modulated = red". With the button "Tremulant recorded/modulated" on the tab "Schakelaars" (switches) you may switch all leds simultaneously. These leds and the buttons have not been included in the "registration" list of this sample set. Finally: the settings last used will be saved.

The "Récit Expressif" for the larger part consists of samples that reach Midi 24 to Midi 103, so two octaves more than the extent of the manual. With the buttons 16/8/4 or 8/4/2 you may choose which part of the voice you wish to hear, whereby 2 or 3 together is also possible. With exception of the Voix Humaine, the tremulantfor these voices is modulated, not recorded.
3. Switches:
The largerpart of this tab is not really needed by users of the sample set, but for those who are interested in more details it gives some idea of what is required to make a sample set of this compass functioning.
Just think a moment of the fact that behind each (Manual) button there are 56 (80/IV)long, 56 (80/IV) middle long and 56 (80/IV) short releases and about as many of them for the recorded tremulants. The same hold for the pedal, but then 30 i/o 80.

Furthermore,it is useful to know that by rightclicking you will instantly reach the voicing screen.
With the "Tremulant recorded/modulated" button you can switch all leds of the stops panel in one time. The settings last used will be saved. The button "Sesquialter gescheiden/gekoppeld" ( Sesquialter bass/treble separated or not) gives youthepossibility to split the voice for use in Bass or Treble. (The split is original).

The slider "Célèste 8' Tuning" enables you to set the beating of the Célèste:
"+" (100) = maximum beat
nom "72" = nominal value set by us
"0" (50) = no beating
" - "(0) is lower beating for example as used for an Unda Maris.
The "RESET" button brings you back to the nominal position.
4. Virtual console:
The virtual console
The virtual console
This screen is used only to connect the manuals with your console. Right click the manual you want to connect and follow the guidelines of Hauptwerk.
5. Wind:
The windmodel
The windmodel of the original organ
The windmodel
The windmodel of the Récit Expressif
Onthese tabs you find a diagram of the windsupply to the organ. We made a separate screen for the windsupply to the original organ and to the additional 4th manual.
With the various sliders you may regulate the windsupply to the bellow and the windchests.
With the "R" of the reset buttons you will return to the setting which in our opinion is to prefer. The button "Sygsoft" at the right under allows you to reset all of the 8 sliders.

Should you decide to only partly load this sample set (for instance the Ram memory of your computer is insufficient and you choose not to load the rear samples) this would decrease wind requirment by 33% and the organ become farless wind sensitive as is in reality. In that case, go to Organ settings/Organ preferences/Windsupply model and choose here a value of around 150. In case you would load one position only, e.g. "middle", (wind consumption reduces by 66%), then set the value at around 300 to get the same result.
Of course, you may choose any value if you do not like the behaviour of the organ. By checking in this same windmodeltab, you may totally switch off the the wind supply. If you would decide not to load the voices of the Récit Expressif (so, if you use the original organ only), no changes in the wind settings are necessary.
6. Links/Rechts: (Left/Right)
The Left screen (landscape)
The Left screen (portrait)
These tabs can be used if you use two touchscreens.
The buttons marked with underlined text are not original.
The red/white squares on the left side on some stops are switches that have the same function as the red/yellow LEDs on the tab "Stops" described above, however here is red = Recorded tremulant and white = Modulated tremulant. With the button "Tremulant included / modulated" you can convert all red / white corners of the register images on the tabs "Left" and "Right" at once. These squares and buttons are not included in the "Registration" table of this sample set. However, the settings you used the last time are remembered.
Omschakeling tremulant opgenomen/gemoduleerd
Switching tremulant
The Right screen (portrait)
The Right screen (landscape)
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-04-20